Right before the wedding, we took a break. We rode the bikes, go peds, scooters, Harley Davidson big bikes, pick up trucks. A kalesa, helicopter and a chartered plane. I loved every moment I spent with you.
Unordinary tourists
travel buddies
May 2009
My son, Kaya, Ika, Keiku, and Kaki
Hotdogs and milk breakfasts
Adobo and Bistik for lunch
Meatballs for dinner
We are family.
Oh how you loved playing with the balloons!
Sitting by the fountains, at the back of the Opera Hall
Ho Chi Minh
28 June to 2 July
A free trip to Vietnam with mom, Mama, Mommy Tessie, tita Beth,
tya Lily and Tya Mercy.
Our first family trip together.
Summer in Vietnam.
We just had dinner at the Barbecue Garden
and simply just had to walk off the calories!
Spending quality time with Yohji and Leanne
What a perfect summer day at the beach.
Sweaty lovebirds, nevertheless
still having fun.
It was a tiring day walking HCM,
We were both tired and sweaty.
But still all smiles
The look of love. I love you from the button of my heart.
You were so frustrated by the slow pace of the boys walking down the aisle. You simply had to overtake the ring bearer and the arrhae bearer!
Fun times at the petting zoo.
Falling off the go ped.
Our pictorial with Eddieboy
Corinne and Uncle Bunny
Fun times at the petting zoo.
You were so enamored with the rabbits, the turkey, the monkeys and the fish!
This was your first time as a flower girl.
So cute!
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